Name: Harrison Pierre Dasyuridae Devil
Soft Animal: Tasmanian Devil
Birthplace: Cradle Mountain, Tasmania
Age: Senior
Nationality: Australian
Profession: Head of Medical Security at Star Swamp Hospital
Qualifications and Memberships: BSc Hons Medical Security; Fluffy Animal University, North-East Coast Campus (FAUNECC)
Marriage Status: Is serious about his true love, Tammy, but hasn’t ‘popped the question’ yet!
Passions: Girlfriend Tammy; Medical Security with an emphasis on “Fear Induced Behaviour (FID)”; favourite cologne, Odeur L’Âcre (very strong) and raucous nights with friends which usually end with a wild feast! He also loves crime shows such as FCI Hobart (Fluffy Crime Investigators).
Dislikes: An untidy house/den and wastage, particularly plastic bottles.
Harrison Devil’s own words: As a Medical Security expert I’ve sometimes be viewed as just a “Boof Head” who breaks up a wild fight. But, believe me Medical Security is far more involved than that. Medical Security staff are highly trained to handle any situation thrown at them in a gentle, empathetic but FIRM way to ensure the safety of not only medical staff but the patient and their families as well.
My job can involve anything from escorting a nurse in the middle of the night after a long shift safely to her car through to supervising the safety of staff when confronted with a noncompliant patient through to arranging the transport of lifesaving medicine to the appropriate department.
I was super honoured to be “Head Hunted” by Dr Pink Bunny to work at Internationally Famous STAR SWAMP HOSPITAL. It’s an amazing job and I LOVE it.
Tammy and I enjoy living at the Star Lake Estate where we often go for evening walks through the beautiful bush.