Fluffy Animal: Female Human
Birthplace: Perth, West Australia
Nationality: Australian (Latvian & English Descent)
Profession: Children’s Activities & Organiser
Qualifications and Memberships: Kindergarten and Library
Future Dreams: Winning Citizen Award (City of Stirling) and French Award in Primary School (North Beach Primary). Having fun at a Girls School and making lots of friends (Iona Presentation College). Travelling the world as an International Model. (www.katieball.com). Having a bit part on Home and Away and in a movie (Cashback). Getting a BA in Nutrition (Westminster University London). Maybe even getting a PHD in Nutrition (Westminster University London). Living in Sydney, London, New York, LA and Paris.
Passions: Her fluffy toys.
Likes: Hamish Mac Bear; Her Mummy and Daddy; Her Soft Toys; Adventure; Learning: Her Friends (particularly Jake and Tash); Organising Beautiful Food to Eat for the Family; Playing; Sleeping.
Dislikes: Pink Bunny when she is bossy.
Katie’s own words:
I have a very busy day at kindergarten with my friends playing so I am very tired when I get home. After I have my dinner and bath and Mummy tells me it’s bedtime I run into my bedroom and put all my soft fluffy toys on the bed. I love to talk to them. Pink Bunny looks too bossy, so I don’t want her there.
Now, I known she is not just a bossy bunny but a very special bunny like all my other soft. She can sleep on my bed and get a good rest.
Hamish Mac Bear is my forever favourite.